Welcome to your best self!

What goals do you want to achieve this year?

As a Health Coach, I partner with women through nondirective, empathic, and mindful conversations to help them take ownership and accountability for their own wellness and create lasting change. I empower women to be their best selves now by motivating clients to create the steps needed to reach their goals, at their own pace and according to their own personal values.    

Book a free 20-minute discovery call and find out how coaching can help you.  

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How can I help you create alignment between your actions and your desired outcomes? 

Click here to learn more


In person and virtual classes on how to make your own herbal medicines, start up your home apothecary and more!

Click here to learn more


Find links and information about upcoming events that I will be attending to sell my herbal products as well as other interesting events the NY/CT area. 

Click here to learn more


I love using herbs and plants as part of my daily life. I have several products for sale including room sprays, teas and tinctures.

Click here to learn more


Coming Soon!  Weekly Blogs and Newsletters on herbal medicine, gardening, health and science!

Coming Soon!

Resources and Affiliates

Here you will find links to more information about Health Coaching, Herbal Medicine, Water, Essential Oils, and other great resources!

Click here to lean more


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